Imagen de portada para Tears of the nameless
Tears of the nameless

Star Wars: the high Republic

Star Wars: the high Republic.
Star Wars: the high Republic

Star Wars: the high Republic.
"Over a year has passed since the fall of Starlight Beacon and the start of the Nihil occupation of Republic space, called the Occlusion Zone. Jedi Knight Reath Silas, with the help of a new friend Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo, has been hard at work trying to solve the most formidable challenge faced by both the Republic and the Jedi: how to stop the Force-draining creatures known as the Nameless. Desperate for answers, Reath consults with Azlin Rell, a fallen Jedi who tells Reath that to survive the Nameless, he should embrace his fear--something that would take him perilously close to the dark side. To add to Reath's confusion, his former master Cohmac Vitus suddenly returns to Coruscant with his own theories about the Nameless's origins. Tentatively working as a team once more, the two embark on a quest to find the ruins of an ancient civilization that may hold the key to unlocking the mystery of the Nameless once and for all. But when Reath comes face to face with the very creatures that terrify him most, will he have to embrace his fear to survive?--Book jacket.