The passenger seat : a novel
"A searing examination of male friendship and the broader social implications of masculinity in an age of toxic loneliness. In a small town in North America, two boys, or men, embark on a vaguely charted road trip through the northern wilderness with little more than canned food and secondhand camping gear--and the rifle they buy on their way out of town for reasons neither seems able to articulate. The more they handle the gun, and the farther they get from their parents' houses and their peers, girlfriends and online gaming, the grim future that awaits them in their nowhere town, the less their actions--and the games, literal and metaphorical, they play--are bound by the usual constraints. When Adam decides to harass a young couple they meet on the highway, the outcome is irreversible, and leads them even further down a road from which there's no turning back. A searing examination of male friendship and the broader social implications of masculinity in an age of toxic loneliness, The Passenger Seat introduces Vijay Khurana as an powerful new voice in fiction."--